Animated Map of Europe

an excellent animated map of the changing face of Europe during
the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, you can't get much
better than Centennia Napoleonic Edition map.
The Napoleonic map was created by Clockwork Software and will
show you the widespread nature of those tumultuous campaigns in
the times of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Click here to
download the small program.
Clockwork Software has created a full version of the Centennia
that covers 1000 years of European and Middle-Eastern history.
Centennia says its program, for Windows95/98/NT, will function
well on any Windows computer purchased within the past five years.
System requirements are basic: 2.5 megabytes of hard disk space,
4 megabytes of free memory (RAM), and a CD-ROM drive.
Centennia is a registered trademark
of Clockwork Software, P.O. Box 148036, Chicago, IL USA. All maps,
text, and data in Centennia are copyrighted property of Clockwork
Software and may not be used in any form without permission from
Clockwork Software.