Jena 1806
David Chandler

1805 Prussia stayed on the sidelines while Austria and Russia
were humiliated at Austerlitz.
in turn it was politically humbled by an unofficial treaty with
France that saw three rich principalities - Neuchatel, Ansbach
and Cleves - given over to Napoleon Bonaparte on the promise that
it would get Hanover in exchange.
further rub salt into Prussia's bleeding prestige Napoleon then
created the Confederation of the Rhine and even offered Hanover
back to Britain as part of peace overtures.
proved too much for the Prussians who had more than 220,000 troops
in its forces and were still living off the glory days of Frederick
the Great. Many Prussian nobles wanted war to avenge the insults
and even the Queen, Louise, pushed for hostilities.
followed was a military disaster for the Prussians as Napoleon
unleashed a thunderbolt upon them that completely and utterly
destroyed their forces within five weeks.
was a campaign that stunned Europe and the doyen of Napoleonic
experts, David Chandler, covers the destruction of Prussia marvelously
well in Jena 1806.
is usual in the Campaign Series from Osprey, Jena 1806
covers the lead-up to war, how the armies were led and organized,
battle orders of La Grande Armee and the Prussians and the two
major clashes at Jena and Auerstadt.
is pretty well documented historically and my personal opinion
is that with the odds very much in his favour Napoleon could have
won that without getting out of bed.
however, is where this chap's interest really lies as Davout's
magnificent III Corps, outnumbered by almost three-to-one, put
the main Prussian army to flight with a gutsy display of cool
courage and outstanding leadership.
details of Auerstadt are must-read stuff and any fan of the Iron
Marshal should grab this book as you can see just how his superb
corps fought its way into the annals of military legend.
1806 is filled with excellent maps of the campaign and battlefields,
as well as portraits of the leading soldiers and images. This
is yet another first-class effort from Osprey.
Richard Moore