
Aside from being a point of reference for information on the Napoleonic Era, The Napoleonic Guide wants to foster debate. Here is your forum to have your say and share your ideas. Contact us at


Recommended Book
One item on books you may want to add to your list, though sadly, it is long ago out of print is "The Last Love" by Thomas Costain, published in 1963.
Costain, known for his works such as "The Tontine" and "The Silver Chalice" writes a story of Napoleon's relationship with Betsy Balcombe, as well as detailing The Man of Destiny's stay on St. Helena.
Costain's great appreciation of history, as well as his fanatical approach to detail, makes the book worthwhile bedside reading for those wishing a closer look at Napoleon, the man.
I heartily suggest it to those who visit your site as an entertaining historical novel.
- Scott Finley

How tall was Napoleon Bonaparte?
Shaun wants to know: How tall was Napoleon? Some say he was extremely short, while others say he was average height for the times.

Bravest of the Brave
Nicholas James Rogers was good enough to write in and take us to task over our attitude towards Marshal Michel Ney - the bravest of the brave. Nicholas objected to our calling him the brainless of the brainless.
What is your opinion?

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