
The subject of DVD regions or zones is a thorny issue. The discs have built in lock-out coding that only allows units from that region to be played.

If you can, get hold of a multi-region DVD player - it is well worth the small amount of extra money you'll fork out - otherwise you'll need to stick to those DVDs available in your part of the digital world.

DVD players on computers are limited in the number of times they can cross zones and will actually lock you out from your own legally bought machine if that number is exceeded.

Here are the region numbers:

Region 0 or E: Universal for cartoons, older films and educational titles.

Region 1: Canada, United States and its territories.

Region 2: Japan, Europe, South Africa, Middle East.

Region 3: South-East Asia, East Asia. Region

4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, Mexico, South America, Caribbean.

Region 5: Former Soviet Union, Indian Subcontinent, Africa (also North Korea, Mongolia).

Region 6: China.


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