Weapons of War: Infantry
smoothbore muskets were the main weapon of foot soldiers during
the Napoleonic Wars.
Slow to load, trained infantry were happy to fire off three
volleys in a minute, and woefully inaccurate - a marksman
may hope to hit a man at 80 paces, but at 100 the odds were
exceedingly small.
Accuracy Figures
Rifles |
major improvement on muskets when it came to accuracy, the
rifled barrels of rifles spun the ball so that it kept its
accuracy over far greater distances.
At 200 paces a rifle shot, fired by a trained man, would kill
the target - almost three times the range of a musket.
However, the rifles took longer to load - a fact that put
Napoleon Bonaparte off
using them.
Baker Rifle
Bayonets |
The fabled use of cold steel in a bayonet charge is more legend
than fact, as a very low percentage of casualties during the
Napoleonic Wars was due to the dagger-like attachment on soldiers'
The bayonet, however, was an extremely efficient terror weapon
- as few troops would stand against a fearsome charge.
The thought of being stabbed in the stomach with one would
have all but the bravest seeking sanctuary from its path.
Swords |

the weapon of officers and non-commissioned officers, swords
varied greatly in style from nation to nation and from unit
to unit.
British infantry swords were generally straight-bladed,
but light-infantry officers wore the curved 1796-pattern
light cavalry sabres.
Pikes |
property of sergeants, the pike was a nine-foot spear that
had a foot-long blade screwed into the pole.
The spearhead had a six-inch crossbar to stop the point driving
too far into an enemy.
Pistols |
Many officers carried pistols during the Napoleonic Wars
but they were not as widespread in action as they became in
later conflicts.